I think your blog was wonderful to read. The contents were very well organised. I think you did an excellent job on self analysing yourself from the results you obtained from the assessments. Your modification of the recommended dish was well done, however, I thought you could have mentioned the cooking method, like step by step, and evaluate its efficiency. One main problem was your font, it think a bit too small, i was squinting my eyes when I read, but other than that, you did a wonderful job! :)
Your blog was also wonderful to read. Your contents were well organised and I would say just right, I think you were able to pick up the main points and only put that in. Your trace of your meals over 3 consecutive days was very well organised. However, I think that you could have analysed your food intake with the nutrional food pyramid in more detail, like what you ate belonged to what, so that we have a more clearer idea. Other than that, nice and sweet blog! :)
Eng Yin
Your blog was nice to read. It had very good points like informing us earlier of what is required for an average female adolescent and explaining each aspect in a food component. However, you could have improved in your organisation, maybe you could have put your trace of your food intake over 3 consecutive days in the form of a table, would be easier to read, and you could have formatted your results properly so that it does not clash with the other components. I think your modified dish could also be improved in the sense you could be more precise in how every ingredient used in your dish is healthy. Other than that, fun to read you blog! :)